Json File Viewer and Editor develop to provide easy way to change & view all json files. JSON & XML...
Json File Viewer and Editor develop to provide easy way to change & view all json files. JSON & XML Tool is the ultimate XML Creator, JSON Editor, JSON Creator & Viewer. JSON File Viewer allows user to create, view and convert JSON files into pdf. JSON file editor allows to view and convert JSON files into PDF. JSON file Opener, JSON Viewer will help you to fetch and open JSON file, convert json file to PDF and modify or edit already created Json files. The JSON, XML and HTML Tool application lets you open, view, create and edit JSON, XML and HTML files with simple UI. Our Json Genie a json file editor. In addition, Json opener can open json file and then convert and saving it as an XML. Json viewer acts as the XML viewer to display XML documents and as the JSON viewer to show JSON trees. The JSON viewer allows to read, view, create and convert any JSON file to Pdf. Using the json file viewer app, anyone can easily open JSON files from android device. The JSON file viewer for android allow the user browse complex JSON files. The JSON file viewer and editor consists of five main features; JSON viewer, JSON creator, Edit json file, XML file viewer and editor, HTML file viewer and editor. JSON Viewer is very useful tool for viewing JSON files. JSON File Viewer will parse json file into json string and convert json string to a readable format. Json reader or Json file opener will also allow you to convert your json to PDF in a user-friendly format. Json to pdf converter provide an easy way to format the json. With Json file opener you can also view all converted pdf files easily. Through Json reader you also open xml and html file and edit them easily. The JSON file reader feature of JSON file opener app allows to view all the JSON files form user device. The user can easily open json file, read json file and view any json file. The JSON to pdf feature of JSON reader allow the user to convert JSON files into pdf. User can easily find converted file in app and no need to find them in internal storage. Main Features: - Read JSON, XML and HTML files using Json file reader editor. - Edit JSON or an XML text and save it using Json file viewer editor. - Share Json, XML or HTML file with other app using Json file editor. - Open any json file in a json file editor and copy, share and edit its content. - View all converted files separately. The JSON reader allows the user to view, edit, and convert any JSON file to PDF. This JSON viewer lets the user browse files directly from the app using the pick file feature. The free JSON viewer lets the user search for any particular JSON file using the search bar in all file activity. The JSON read feature of the JSON file reader allow the user to open all the JSON files stored on the device and easily edit them using json editor. The select file feature of the JSON file editor allows the user to conveniently open the JSON file of their choice. Json viewer or json file reader is very user friendly, just select file from your all files activity, json file opener will parse the file and get the json string data and then load the json string into json editor. Json editor will display the string data in a human readable format and in json editor you can edit and save every json object. Create a new file from scratch with the built-in XML / JSON / HTML creator, The JSON viewer feature of JSON file creator allows the user to open and read JSON files using a android phone. By using this feature, the user can select any of the JSON files according to their choice. A list of JSON files will appear on the screen which shows the title of JSON files along with its size. The user can share, delete, edit and add any particular JSON file to favourites folder using our JSON File editor, viewer, editor, opener all in one application.